Welcome to the New School Year!  

Become a Member: 


Special Education Parent Teacher Association Redwood City


SEPTAR meets on the third Tuesday evening of each month. Our virtual meetings are open to the public and are centered around an informational discussion and/or presentation on a variety of topics.

Membership is open to anyone with an interest in special education. You do not need to have a child in the Redwood City School District to join. Annual fees start at $10. 

SEPTAR team collected important resources for you to explore. Please contact us at septarinfo@gmail.com if you need support.  

SEPTAR was formed on January 25, 2007 as the first district-wide special education PTA in the Redwood City School District. We offer educational workshops & presentations, support student enrichment programs, disability awareness events and social activities & gatherings. 

Community Engagement 

Our supportive community is open to all! Join us every 3rd Friday of the month for a parent social hour on Zoom or in-person!  Our first social hour will be on September 20 at 7pm on Zoom.  Link to register: https://bit.ly/SEPTARsocial

Contact us at (650) 517-3320 or email us at septarinfo@gmail.com for more information.

Board of Directors

SEPTAR is a liaison between Redwood City School District  families and Special Education Department Staff.

Upcoming Events/Próximos eventos


Register: https://bit.ly/SEPTAR917

Join our upcoming Association Meeting and meet the RCSD Special Education Department.  Maeve Mulholland, Director of Special Education and other department staff will be discussing their roles, push-in/pull-out services, how to access support for your child and more! Q&A time is provided.

      Presentación del Departamento de Educación Especial

      Registro: https://bit.ly/SEPTAR917

       Participe en la próxima reunión de la Asociación y conozca al

       Departamento de Educación Especial de RCSD.

       Maeve Mulholland, directora de educación especial, y otros

       miembros del personal del departamento discutirán sobre sus

       roles, los servicios de inserción y extracción, la forma de

       acceder al apoyo para su hijo y otros temas relevantes. Se

       reservará un espacio para preguntas y respuestas.





Join us to hear from the dedicated RCSD Paraprofessional Educators as they share insights into their vital role in supporting our children's education.

Maeve Mulholland, Director of Special Education, will provide

essential information about Summer School 2024.

Discover how this program will benefit students with diverse learning needs.


Register: https://bit.ly/SEPTAR319

Join us for a discussion with disabled self-advocates! Learn about

how they speak up for themselves to communicate their hopes in living

a self-determined life.

Regístrate: https://bit.ly/SEPTAR319

¡Únase a SEPTAR para una discusión con autogestores de personas

discapacitadas! Descubra cómo hablan por sí mismos para comunicar

sus esperanzas de vivir una vida autodeterminada.

Register: https://bit.ly/SEPTAR213


Join us for a special evening to discuss meaningful inclusive education for all students. “Inclusion is about a place rooted in belonging, community, and relationships that honors the diversity of all student identities. ”


Acompáñenos en una velada especial para hablar de una educación para todos los alumnos. "La inclusión consiste en un lugar arraigado en la pertenencia, la comunidad y las relaciones que honra la diversidad de todas las identidades estudiantiles" .

Discover Dyslexia

Gain insights into dyslexia and how to support your child

Speaker: Ashley Koedel, M.A.

Director of Educational Services, Morrissey Compton

Topics Covered:

🚩 Identifying Warning Signs

🌟 Effective Strategies for Parents and Teachers

📝 When to Seek Assessments and Support

Register: bit.ly/SEPTAR116

Descubra la Dislexia

Obtenga información sobre la dislexia y cómo apoyar a su hijo

Oradora: Ashley Koedel, M.A.

Director de Servicios Educativos, Morrissey Compton

Tópicos cubiertos:

🚩 Identificación de señales de advertencia

🌟 Estrategias efectivas para padres y maestros

📝 Cuándo buscar evaluaciones y apoyo

Regístrate: bit.ly/SEPTAR116


Taller sobre el IEP para Padres de Niños que reciben servicios de Educación Especial.

Dr. Gabriela Pérez, de los Servicios de Salud del Comportamiento del Condado de San Mateo, presentará sobre cómo prepararse y entender el proceso de IEP, así como la forma de ser un fuerte defensor de su hijo dentro del sistema de Educación Especial.

Esta presentación será hablada en Español, habrá interpretación simultánea disponible en Inglés.

Registro: bit. y/SEPTAR1121

Navigating Transitions

Learn about the important transitions your child will go through in Special Education.  

Presenters will be from the RCSD Special Education Department Staff and Teachers, and a representative from the Sequoia Union HS District.

Choose one of 3 breakout rooms: Pre-k to Tk/K, Elementary to Middle School, or 8th Grade to High School

Register: bit.ly/SEPTAR1017

We will discuss plans for this school year, explain different staff roles, different services Redwood City School District offers, and answer your questions in a Q&A session.

Register: bit.ly/SEPTAR919

Advocacy for Impact

Sheraden Nicholau from  the State Council on Developmental Disabilities will share an overview of the State Council’s work and discuss advocacy. Growing your advocacy skills can make a positive impact in your life, and in the lives of others.

Register: https://bit.ly/SEPTARmeet

Embedded Instruction by Samantha Gross Toews. She will talk about how we can meaningfully design instruction for students with extensive support needs in an inclusive classroom. We hope to see you there!

Register: https://bit.ly/SEPTARmeet


Agenda and Presentation 

Register: https://bit.ly/SEPTARmeet

Presentation by Pat Hornbecker, the President of the Board of Directors for The Arc of California. She will speak to us about how she advocated for her disabled son during his school years.

Presentation by teachers from Special Day Classes. We will talk about curriculum, daily routines and inclusion support in SDCs. All grade levels will be represented.

Agenda and Presentation

Register: https://bit.ly/SEPTARmeet

Agenda and Presentation

Register: https://bit.ly/SEPTARmeet

Register: https://bit.ly/SEPTAR1117
Agenda and Presentation

Past Events